



欢迎来到完美结合。我Jennifer Yoffy Yoffy出版社的创始人兼出版商在亚特兰大,格鲁吉亚。188bet金宝搏登真人官网这是一个播客,我们和艺术家谈谈他们的旅程,他们是如何在哪里,他们对与错把沿途和它们的标题下。凯利康奈尔是艺术家的探讨性工作,性别,身份和photographer-sitter关系。她的工作是在大都会艺术博物馆的收藏。杰伊·保罗盖蒂博物馆,洛杉矶县艺术博物馆,哥伦布艺术博物馆,艺术博物馆的休斯顿,和当代摄影博物馆等。出版物的她的工作包括PhotoWork:四十摄影师孔径发表的过程和实践,维生素Ph值:新观点在摄影出版社,摄影艺术:摄影光圈和专著的新世界凯利康奈尔:解码双重生活的书。康奈尔大学获得奖学金的麦道维尔殖民地,河岸,见顶山的信任,纬度,光中心工作和创意摄影。康奈尔大学生活在芝加哥,在那里她的云雀版本的编辑和摄影芝加哥哥伦比亚学院教授。欢迎凯利康奈尔完美的播客。 I have a bunch of questions and they are in, I couldn't really figure out a strong starting spot. So it kind of just starts in a random place. It's not like a you know, tell me about your formative years kind of thing and just sort of jumps right in. I heard you talk about how in your MFA thesis show that your model Kiba was pregnant in the images and after her son was born, and you experimented with having him in one of the photos that you realize that it just wasn't quite the right direction for the project. And you ended up taking those images out. And I've been thinking a lot about lately about how photographers, in my opinion, I guess maybe younger ones, especially are just out of school, tend to rush into work and be in a hurry about, like to get the workout and get it published and kind of move on to the next thing. And you've had this experience of having this very long term project, where you've had time to step back and see what's working and what isn't working. And, and especially something as big as like your MFA thesis show. I mean, you spent a lot of time and it culminated in this thing. And then to make a decision like that, that you know, what, ultimately, this isn't working? And I'm going to take it out. How do you think your works benefited from a slower and more long term process? And do you think that it's that that's been a hindrance to your work in any way?


是的,这是个很好的问题。是的,说几件事。与牙拍摄的时候,我们让工作了几年,之前她怀孕了。工作,我们拍摄一个图怀孕,然后在每个场景图没有怀孕我真的从脖子上下来,站在那些图片,但当我坐在墙上的工作在我的MFA论文展览,而且,你知道,牙,加热器出现,抱着她的儿子,他是一个新生。当时,显然很快,一旦出生加热器,我不太知道这个故事之后,因为它将成为对他。我不是一个父亲,我没有孩子。我不知道这就像一个妈妈。和工作一直是一个地方让我认真考虑我自己和我自己的喜欢,我想谈谈什么性别,性行为和关系的角色,但他们很与我自己的经验。所以我觉得我的一些我不懂的领域。我当然不想说母亲如果我自己从未有过的经验。 So yeah, there are I would say, maybe 13 or 14 images edited out of that work. And you can still find them on the internet here and there because that was early on, like 2003. I want to say 2003, 2004. And we weren't using the internet, like so much back then. I don't think I had the foresight at that moment to not put the work on the internet, knowing it may not make it. So if you look for it, people can still find some of those images. But luckily, the Double Life monograph that was published in 2011, I had had enough time to really think about where the work was going. And was really clear that those images were edited out by that point. But for me working slowly, I think it's just a part of my natural working process. As an artist, I always wish I worked faster. Because it seems like in the art world, there's some pressure to like every two or three years have a brand new body of work that's ready to go. And that's a lot of pressure. But also I just think about things so much. And I write and reflect and have a pretty active sketchbook practice and journaling process that I think influences what I photograph. And then at least with the Double Life work in particular, I feel like I need more life experience to know what what I want to say in the new pictures. So that as I age, I want to say different things about the female body or relationships and Kiba aging too is really important for the work also. So I think I'm just embracing that slower approach with that work, for sure.


是的,我的意思是,好像与你使用它一样工作,像一个杂志在某种程度上,就像一种方式工作通过一个认为你可能会疲于应对,或一种情绪或一次在你的生活中,一个特定的经验。所以我觉得这是将超级有趣的回顾。我有一个朋友,我最老的,老的朋友,我们从幼儿园就是朋友,她有很多纹身,,他们每个人都有不同的意义。他们每个人都有,表示一个特定的时间在她的生活,或者是重要还是一个人,你知道,一个内存或时刻。像她生命结束时,她想回头看她的身体就像她生活的日记。我认为你的项目以类似的方式。但也很有趣,因为你看身体上另一个人是体现这些情感和经验和印记,你,你。所以,这是一个超级,超级有趣的项目,当你谈论一本书。你觉得,因为这个项目正在进行,你肯定这本书出来后让它工作?你当时犹豫做这本书呢? Like, maybe it's too soon? Or did you sort of think, well, I could always do a part two or like, how did how did that come about?










没有他们不。这是一个有趣的事情,。是的。我想我会回答第一部分。但如果你找那本书,现在,它实际上是非常昂贵的在互联网上。只是因为解码并不是出版了。是的,但是在2011年,当我决定做那本书,这是我第一次专著。我不是很确定。我在一个点在我的职业生涯中,我不知道我要继续作为一个长期项目。我已经开始工作一个新的身体。 I was at the very beginning of a new project. And I...












完全正确。是的。所以即使场景中有两个人物,这两个人物从未满足我们作为观众或者摄影师的目光。本身,我想让观众偷窥狂,但它并不以任何方式暗示他们的目光。所以与新工作当我开始照片我和贝琪选择要么让她见到我凝视,或把目光移开,这对我来说是很不舒服,我想因为我的,像我一样是一个女权主义者和思考我和男性的目光看着她,然后一个扩展,观众盯着她从一开始就很有挑战性。我有一个真的很难。是的,我认为这是,嗯,我想这肯定让我恩典的工作的照片,因为我觉得困。实话告诉你。我感觉几乎冻结对这样的工作方式,因为我directoral摄影师引导一个场景,几乎就像一个还在电影。这的工作方式感到很陌生。 So I started to do a lot of research and I looked at so many different images of photographer-model relationships, and read quite a bit about Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz before it led me to Edward Weston and Charis Wilson. And what I liked about Charis was once I learned that she was a writer, and I could read her own words and learn from her as a writer, I just learned so much about her as a person. And I found out through her autobiography, just how much freedom and agency she felt being a model, which really reminds me to how Kiba feels. Kiba really sees that as an avenue of expression, like for her it's almost like the medium she makes art through is by being a model in the picture. So I really enjoyed how Charis talked about her being a part of that process. And I thought well, maybe if Betsy and I traveled to those places where Edward and Charis made work that I could learn from Charis by acting out these scenes or photographing Betsy in these places and these landscapes, revisiting them to see you know what the periphery had to say about Charis but also me and Betsy, making our way to the California landscape and back. And I think it just taught me that sometimes, I don't know, if we take down all the male modernists, like are sometimes urges right now, because we do need to relook at history for sure and broaden it. But if you take down all those great male modernists, you're taking down all the women with them too. And yeah, I feel like Tina Modotti, Charis Wilson, and Margaret Mather, they just are such strong, free spirited women, Georgia O'Keeffe too, that, um, they weren't always framed with the power that they deserved. And maybe that's back then there were so many more male writers, instead of female writers? I'm not sure. Yeah, I like to think about challenging how history has been framed. And I think that's what the new project does is to try to not reframe Weston, because he's definitely a challenging figure that needs to be interrogated, that's for sure. But at least letting the model have more of a voice.




是的。正确的。所以当我第一次做了,当我第一次开始这个项目,我不知道这是要发展成为项目,这实际上是一个完整的书26章的文本和图像由我和爱德华·韦斯顿交织在整个文本。但当我第一次开始与贝琪拍摄,我们只会去加州,射击,回来。实际上在早期,我意识到这些照片还不够,这一切我已从她的写作学习了恩典,和访问中心的创意摄影在图森,有她的档案,她对爱德华的一切档案也住在那里。我把以前学到的东西是不可能在一个照片。所以我开始写。这是具有挑战性的,因为我做了一点写在过去,但我不是一个训练有素的作家。我是这样一个视觉的思想家比人写作练习。所以我学会了如何成为一个作家。 And what worked well, for me, as far as what a writing practice look like. And my studio practice completely changed. Like, I started to get up really early in the morning, like at 6am, get coffee and start writing before I had done anything in the day. And I tried to write daily, even if it was for just short periods of time. Because I found if I started to do anything for work, or anything else, you know, writing was out the window. But slowly that project started to evolve. And then I was able to work on the editing process and weaving in the pictures with the text, which has been really fun thinking about how image and text work together. But yeah, I think for me, it was just letting the project lead me to where it needed to go. And to just trust that it was going to work was both pretty scary, but also really fun. I think Double Life was a little bit like that at the beginning to where I was a pretty traditional photographer who was not making composites in Photoshop at all. I never thought I would use Photoshop but as soon as I had that idea I had to learn how to use Photoshop well, so I just let that learning process..., just embraced it because the work called for it.












无论如何,我认为这只是我们的激情被三人真的爱照片书,思考它们是怎样被制造的。和格雷格有这样神奇,神奇的照片藏书,我不知道现在在亚特兰大,他从芝加哥搬到了亚特兰大,但是,这些特别的货架上温度控制,。无论如何,我们三个真的爱照片书。所以我们都三个人决定,嘿,我们可以在我们自己的开始。我们跳进水里不知道多少工作。如你所知,这是一个大量的工作。这是很多比你想象的更多的工作。尤其是如果你是一个艺术家教像我一样,试图尊重自己的工作室练习。和保罗一样。所以一旦格雷格搬到了亚特兰大,保罗和我承担了更大的作用,就我们两个人。 And I think what works well for Skylark is our visions are really different, like, Paul is much more of a traditional documentary photographer, and his interests are a little bit more bent towards traditional photo documentary work. And I always like work that challenges or breaks boundaries, or is more experimental in its book form, way more experimental than my own work. So for me, it's kind of fun to have an outlet to work with artists and just kind of challenge the book form itself or think about the word editions, like what a photo edition could be. So I think because I'm on one side of the spectrum, and Paul's on the other, it's kind of a good balance that we can have these discussions or debates about photo books and just let Skylark you know, be a home for many different ways of work. But we also publish things very slowly because of our own art practice. Like it's only a coulpe items a year. Yeah.




哦,是的,这一直是一个困难的问题。嗯,让我们看看。所以我认为就像实际的作品而言,我认为这只是相信这项工作将....如果我感觉真的就相信它会找到自己在世界上的位置,特别是在双重生活,因为工作,一旦牙和我开始年龄实话告诉你,一旦我们不在年轻20年代了,现在我们都超过40从艺术世界我确实得到了一些阻力。你知道,人们会经常说诸如收藏家不打算买那项工作了。但是,嗯,所以我感到一些压力来完成这个项目。但这并不感觉真的还是正确的,因为我仍然感兴趣。所以我做了,像有一些关于这个问题的内部斗争。随着时间的推移,我就决定去拥抱它。如果它只出现,就像每五年,我只有一个显示每五年,有一些书在,你知道,在30年的马克,等等,我认为这是对我好。 And that feels really good.




















是的,这是个很好的问题。嗯,你知道的,所以这个问题,我觉得我真的很幸运。我觉得我很幸运在过去只有当我毕业于MFA。然后当我的艺术品。当我有个展的双重生活在纽约Yossi米洛画廊在2003年。在2007年,嗯,不,对不起,。所以我刚刚触及时艺术品市场的爆炸式增长。所以我的工作不仅实际上来自一个真实的地方,我感觉很好,但它也触及的时候能够荣幸和多个场馆所示。所以我第一次博物馆展示,然后另一个显示在西海岸。刚刚开始,你知道,工作就像刚刚起飞,这感觉很神奇。 And I think over time, as the art world has, like, ebbed and flowed with, you know, what's gone on in the art world, it, I feel like I'm really lucky to even have what I what I have now, compared to, you know, there's some students that have just graduated during this pandemic, and the opportunities that lay ahead for them feel fewer than what I had. I just remember so many art jobs were available at the time that I graduated, because so many professors from the 1970s, that first were teaching were retiring, and there's just fewer jobs out there now. So I think that for me, I'm just I feel like that's one of the things that is just really lucky for the time that my work first hit. But also knowing that it's collected by museums, I think, for me, that's what makes me feel really proud more so than having a gallery dealer or knowing that I'm in private collections, knowing that the work is in several established museum collections just makes me know that the works going to last.



















