




欢迎来到完美结合。我Jennifer Yoffy Yoffy出版社的创始人兼出版商在亚特兰大,格鲁吉亚。188bet金宝搏登真人官网这是一个播客,我们和艺术家谈谈他们的旅程,他们是如何在哪里,他们对与错把沿途和它们的标题下。





有绝对实际生活后勤方面的考虑。我不觉得我可以继续醒来和我的日程安排,或者被改变,你知道,在某种程度上修改。和新闻,虽然我并不总是报道突发新闻,肯定是有很多…,有许多的旅行。有很多住在酒店房间。因为我是,我已经订婚了,然后去了斯坦福大学,一年的奖学金,和刚刚不同的东西进入我的世界,我发现比全球赛车让我更快乐。我做了自从我18岁的时候,我有一个实习在CNN 18。这几乎是超过10年的,拥有的生活方式。我觉得对我来说真的很棒。但是当我开始变老的时候,我想我刚才注意到事情是更复杂的比我能告诉一个电视的故事。所以我想,好吧,我的其他选择是什么,它不是很多关于长度。 But what happens in television is that the more successful you get, the bigger audience you get, at least then, you know, you're you're supposed to aspire to being on the networks and then networks when I was on NBC Nightly News, it's a two and a half minute piece was considered really long, so there wasn't a lot of room for nuance. And so there was there was an emphasis on who, what, when, where, and why as there should be. And I just felt like, that wasn't all that interesting. And plus, the bigger audience you get, the more mainstream the work is going to become. And I was much happier being sort of in a niche area, if there have been podcasts at the time, I probably would have ended up in that way because it's so pleasurable to be surrounded by people with whom you have all the same reference points. And you have all this shorthand, even if as we found through podcasts communities, they're really strangers and you've never met them. You know, that concept really didn't exist, there was this American life and that's about it. And so, like when you meet someone and you hit it off like that, I don't know, that was just really great. Whereas when I was at NBC Nightly News, I had to pull out my pigtails and change my shoes and, you know, put on my my big girl pants. And, and it's a part of me, certainly that's very serious about politics. It reads the newspaper that likes being part of the mix in that way. But there's another side of me that was not being served, the more twisted, introspective, punk rock side.




这绝对是结果。但我不确定我想要在我的面前。我只是觉得,你知道,我在一个中产阶级的家庭长大。省和很传统的,我可能会说,除了我们生活世界各地的生活,因为我的爸爸是在军队。但是,我确实有一个非常陈旧的想法家庭和结婚意味着什么。所以我认为孩子会。我想成为一名缺席的妈妈吗?或者我需要雇用一个人来照顾我的孩子当我去了?我们有两种高功率的事业和他们战斗的时间表吗?每天,你知道吗? There were just all sorts of things I had heard from people who had tried to manage marriage and kids. And you know, some of my mentors in journalism, most of the women had no children. And that was the way to just keep it simple. And that was a good choice for them. But, it wasn't how I saw things. So, my agent called me, her most downwardly mobile client, with a lot of love. I just failed. And when my husband and I bought a house here, I had a baby. I think I taught at the journalism school while I was pregnant and nursing. And then we put the house under construction and moved to Paris. So I didn't have to figure out what kind of working mom I wanted to be because I couldn't speak French. Nobody could hire me for anything.












是的,这是我找到的图片来验证或支持这个概念。通常工作是对可视化你看不到的东西,像一个心理的精神状态。我认为这不是新闻。对吧?所以我不出去看报道或试图文档亚文化或街头生活。我认为这是另一个性别的摄影领域。海伦·莱维特也没有孩子。街头摄影只是不为我工作,因为我有三个孩子,我不能有一个相机在我的脖子上,漫步或漫游,直到我找到一个很好的照片。所以我的过程是更加直接。我已经列出,我周围所有这些纸在我的工作室,他们的事情我知道我已经拍摄。 And I didn't know what to do with. But, now it all sort of gels. You know, some of it gels together. There's been a lot of time because of COVID to look through one's archive, and all those pictures you've taken that you've never had any use for. So, because I can't grab a friend to get in the car and go make her stand in the rain somewhere to take a picture, I have looked to see like..., I've just been digging deep. I've been shooting as well. But, I think we've all been sort of looking back at all the zillions of images that you have. I was talking to Raymond Meeks on the phone and he said something like, you know, he was, he had... Oh, I know, I was complaining about backing up my archive online, which is one of the things I did last summer and how tedious it was. And I said, you know, do you do that? Do you have it on on hard drives? Or do you have the negatives in a safe or, you know, he's like, "Yeah, nah, none of that I think the world could do with a lot fewer images, you know, whatever?!? Like, there's just 1000s of bad pictures in my closet, you know? Like really, light the match, the world would be better off." And I thought, yeah, I'm really getting..., I'm treating these things like they're, they're all like these priceless objects, when really, the world is just fine never seeing most of the stuff that I take.




嗯,我认为,我想是的,我认为我看到当我回头看时,不是任何真正涉及到目前很受欢迎的东西,像身份,真正重要的事情的平等和社会正义和其他的声音被听到。我觉得我的工作经常接触普遍性而不是如何我们都同样不同和特殊。我能感觉到的史诗和压倒性的。但是,我想这就是为什么我的项目花了这么长时间,因为我花了一段时间给我之前没见过的东西,不是陈腐或陈词滥调。例如,运行工作,是的,还有人在跑。但是,它不是。它是关于战或逃反应和如何处理一种恐慌和焦虑的感觉。现在我一直在做,汽车残骸的照片,和火车残骸的照片和沉船的照片,我想把它们放在一起的方式讲情感的残骸,,我们都是找出一种方法,或者一种把自己从这种情况下最后的一年半里,因为它是唯一的回应我这一切是多么复杂。不,你知道吗?你的疲惫,挫折和悲伤是非常真实的,不管你的伙伴死COVID或者你刚刚在里面呆了一年多,你知道吗? I don't want to trivialize anyone's experience, or re-victimize people who have gone through something more intense. So, I'm looking for sort of metaphor and a universal connection to psychological states that Americans at least are taught to bury, or at least keep on the on the down low. Sometimes my work as a result is hard to hang over a couch.




嗯,没有情绪波动的弹性和日常生活的艰难的转折,没有希望。所以,我感兴趣的人接自己,我相信来自于军事,这是一种把自己自力更生的教养。但是,我认为毅力是非常重要的。我只是,我真的被人们遇到的灾难和生存。有时他们不生存。但这动作我与人克服的东西似乎只是,你知道,不可逾越的。,我觉得这是值得庆祝的事情,但我觉得我这样做有点黑暗。只是视觉上,我喜欢卡拉瓦乔,我喜欢很明暗对比的照明情况下,我的意思是,人们称它为电影。但是,我没有去电影学院。所以我认为它只是来自于意识到有这些极性相反把我们在不同方向的心理,只是几乎。 And you have to be able to manage yourself in both. And I think, after this year and a half, both because of COVID, and the political situation in the United States, I think most people have figured out that the most rebellious, politically active, important thing you can do is figure out a way to be happy that is the most radical action. And, I phone-banked, I did voter registration drives, I did a lot of, you know, little tiny activism bits to do my part, so I wouldn't feel guilty if the election didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.




噢,我的天啊,不,我出去的支持独立的新闻。但是我这样做的部分原因,你知道的,作为一个侦听器,,你知道,人在Patreon,帮助我听维持他们自己的事情。那是因为我很高兴他们这么做。我没有,你知道,玛德琳男爵和美国公共媒体集团。我的意思是,她所做的在黑暗中,那家伙出狱后....受审我的意思是,我从来没有这样的新闻。这是非常重要的。这需要有很多门撞在你的脸上,有很多人告诉你一件事,然后改变他们的想法,告诉你,你必须在地上呆很长时间。我很钦佩。这个范围内,你有社交媒体和宇宙人取消,Twitter,加上我们的总统,只是作为一个绝对的自恋者和煽动者? ! ? I can't imagine working in that environment. I have no word. I'm not temperamentally suited for the kind of active rage, and back and forth, I need quiet. And, you know, I really needed to research go to the library, think about what I was doing, see what else had been done on the subject. I mean, I am temperamentally suited to be an artist in a studio, who works with a camera and a darkroom all alone. I can't imagine. I can't imagine. It must be crazy making in a way, because you have to block out as many voices as you're letting in.












完美的例子。是的,我鸡皮疙瘩了。表面张力的连接,有很多抗议,图像在表面张力,因为我觉得有一个,你知道,“鼠标点击主义”,有办法感觉你是通过计算机做一些有关社会正义。,然而,这也是一个办法,,你知道,把大家联系在一起,并创建一个抗议,对吧?所以有一些负面的肤浅的关系通过计算机对这些图像。但是也有办法找到一个社区。但真正棒的一件事在我的脑海里通过一系列的,你知道,这是一个章在表面张力,我会说,是一个引用布莱恩·史蒂文森。他说,“你知道,我们都是负责创建和解的可能性,和修复。”And he said, he gets frustrated when he hears people talking and saying, Well, you know, if I'd been living in the 60s, I would have been right next to Martin Luther King, I would have been marching. I mean, I totally envisioned myself on one of those buses, had I been old enough, you know? But really, if we're living now, like, what are the things that we're doing now? You can't claim that in the 60s, you would have been part of the Freedom Riders, if you're not doing something to help the people who are incarcerated unfairly now. You can't, you know, these things are destroying communities, and a lot of us are doing nothing. And he says it more brilliantly than that. But that's the idea that I think that the computer and technology can get in the way of, you can sort of anesthetize yourself from action by submerging yourself in all these images.




















错误的把我纠结是在意别人的想法,我的艺术,我并不是说,你知道,我在世界上是如何表现的。但是,膝反射反应,假设有人不喜欢的工作,或者是不够好,或者它不是取悦,或者,或者不适合显示。有时,如果我只会认为殴打自己冲动24小时,我得到了我想要的答案。你知道吗?后来,我没有他们的议程的顶端。我坐在那里等待,你知道,像屏息以待。他们,与他们的父亲在医院和结肠癌。,他们有更大的事情要考虑。所以我,我记得,我第一次有一个画廊,和一些销售的工作,还没有对外开放,我很困惑,因为我认为他们需要看到整个理由我付了一大笔钱让他们安装和帧是因为我以为你想看到他们在太空中,但无论快乐,他们中的一些人出售。然后,我们正在摊牌的时候,它不是全部卖完了。 And I don't think I necessarily expected that, but I expected more sales. And the photographer Richard Misrach, lives a couple blocks away and so he has given me a perspective when I've needed it. And he said, I was really bummed after..., it was either after the opening or after the deinstallation, I can't remember and he said "You didn't schedule a shoot?" I'm like what he's like, "Oh, you always have to schedule a shoot on that day." Like, why? He said, "Because you're gonna have the blues, like, everyone knows that," I was like, damn it, I didn't get the memo. But he's like, "You're gonna feel like you just spent all this time, all these years, working on this project, and then it went up. And you know, and it didn't change the world, or you're, you know, you're not in MoMA, or whatever the bar is for your art forum. And you're gonna, it's gonna suck that day. So, so schedule a shoot and make some work because that's what it's about. And that's what makes you happy, really." I thought, Oh, such a good idea. So of course, I always do that now. But the other thing he said; this was with the running work. He said, "Sometimes it just takes a while." And I thought, Oh, he's just trying to be nice. You know, he's just saying that. And he's right. Like the pictures have taken on different contexts. Because of COVID. There's these isolated people freaking out and they're outside and they're running and like that situation. The the societal constraints of this moment, inform those pictures from years ago, in a way that I couldn't have anticipated. And then somebody put them in a book, and then GQ wanted to publish a portfolio. And then, you know, like it just, and I'm thinking what I've had these things sitting in storage, really, for seven years, they're available. I felt like maybe they weren't as good as I thought they were. And I just sort of thought, oh, well, that was my starter project, you know? But, still when I take them out, I still am kind of, like swooning over them. I just really like them. You know, other people don't have to like it, it's okay. And I'll try to talk myself into the mindset that I think other photographers have. Because I have seen photographers with so much more swagger than me. They just, you know, I can have swagger in the Oval Office or with Arafat, you know, covering soldiers and peacekeeping missions in Bosnia, like there's something about my temperament that I'm really good at thinking on my feet in that situation. But, when it's my interior life exposed, and, you know, people aren't feeling the triumph or exhibiting the kind of enthusiasm that I feel inside about it, it's just really heartbreaking. If I could figure out a way to not be that way, I'd be so much happier.




我认为是我做的最好的决定,我仍然认为,别人不会认为这是我做出的最好的决定。所以,我感兴趣的主要是在艺术摄影。但是,如果从纽约时报杂志叫我凯西·瑞恩或有一个在线图片编辑器,谁是非凡的,有人可以给我打电话,问我做作业。我将这样做。我想请他们。所以工作很好,因为我非常佩服他们,喜欢和他们一起工作。,有很多人在艺术世界谁会看不起编辑摄影。所以我我设法继续这样做。此外,我有项目的纪录片,在《自然》杂志上。连根拔起的项目,我已经拍照在新奥尔良,卡特里娜飓风,因为我把作业的一篇社论从凯西Ryan在卡特里娜飓风袭击后的像天决堤。 So we we had to sneak in, basically. But, I've been shooting those same places for 20 years. And it has amounted to something there's plenty of boring pictures in there, you know, when the place does not change a bit from year to year, those pictures are not very exciting. But, when you've got 10 years, and the only thing that has changed is the length, the height of the grass. That's interesting. Yeah, so there's a certain amount of like just slogging through the middle section to get to the arc. And, that same thing happened with my baseball players. I mean, I don't really like baseball, I don't have a lot of friends like sports. So it was always like an odd thing. And the art world is comprised of people who were beat up by jocks in high school. So it's not exactly an easy sell. To me, it was about Manifest Destiny, and effort, and trying to be number one.




是的,一个心理状态。但你知道,你不能绕过的事实,每个人都在一个统一的,和他们有一个蝙蝠的手。那人摸不着头脑,尽管我和孔径是一本书。是,你知道,他们印了5000本,这是一个巨大的事情。但是,它仍然是棒球。所以人们怀疑这一点。然后我有工作,这是纯粹的艺术,这已经被博物馆和支持机构,买了,所以工作不看起来都一样。但这一切对我来说意味着很多。对我来说最好的决定是有很多的,我有很多工具在小屋,我尝试使用他们。我认为如果你缩小自己好了,我晚上拍照的家伙的雾。 It's hard to get out of that and you can be really successful but I think it's a short term situation. I think it's easier to be known for something so collectors want to take that picture and put it over their couch or their at their mantel because when their guests walk in they go "Oh, isn't that a Baldessari," or you know, whatever it is, but the the artists that I admire are people who, they're a bit of a shapeshifter. And it takes a longer time to build a career under that situation. You're not gonna be, I will never be the hot young thing because I'm no longer young. But I'm planning on being the hot octogenarian.




是的。还有中间阶段,你知道,Lou Reed的实验性的专辑吗?你知道,需要他去下一个,或大卫·鲍伊,你知道吗?但是,它更尴尬。这是一个尴尬的方式通过世界因为很难总结你做什么在一两句话。但对我来说,项目,他们只是出来。我的意思是,这下的作品,我看特纳油画,我看很多的绘画工作,因为我想带的东西很丑,但是我们很喜欢看着你知道,高速公路上的好奇当你有一个车祸吗?我怎么,我怎么从司空见惯的东西变成艺术吗?我怎么让它是一个比喻的东西除了意外,这看上去不像我10个类型的棒球运动员,




它看起来不像在新奥尔良的房屋。你知道,如果我扭曲的一切去做,它将是坏的,它就会显得空洞。我只是想让你没见过的东西。你知道,年纪大的好处之一是,我有一个令人难以置信的数量的艺术史在我的大脑。我有一个令人难以置信的数量的视觉历史。我有一个令人难以置信的数量的你知道的,只是图片,图片,名片盒的图片。所以,这让我慢拍照,因为它是以前了。我知道,所以,为什么要找麻烦呢?是的,我永远不会忘记,我拖着我的女儿帮我在夏威夷闪光的地方。她当时的数码摄影课,。 And she had her camera and I had mine. And I was of course making us be out in the stormy weather and it's raining and it's sunny, and it's rainy, and it's sunny, and I'm making her hike. And she's like, "God, Mom, why do you have to make everything so hard?" I said, because, the easy pictures have all been taken. And then this rainbow came out. And she grabbed her camera, and I almost slapped it out of her hand and turned around and all the tourists on the cliff that we had just climbed down were all with their cameras taking pictures of this rainbow. I was like, don't you ever take..., (laughs) buy the postcard at the store. Nobody needs that you know?




我认为天生,我非常雄心勃勃。但是,我也有很多艺术世界的反馈,你应该假装你没有野心,至少我发现对女性。我不觉得这对男人。所以我没有回答这个问题,因为我试着埋葬那些感情。我想说,我已经学会了杂耍节目和书籍和编辑工作是我最开心的时候和我喜欢的人一起工作。我做一本书,Yoffy媒体和你搭配我188bet金宝搏登真人官网的人,我真的很喜欢他们的工作和我一直以来与佩内洛普·Umbrico继续交谈。这就是让我感到快乐。我工作的女人在米尔斯学院的节目,我有一个即将到来的个展在秋天,理论上。我的一部分显示24号码头。我在旧金山机场博物馆。 They were all supposed to be three separate shows, but they are all piled on top of each other now. But, the people who are curating those shows, who I'm planning that with it, it really just makes a huge difference when I like the people I'm working with. So, I have discovered in the art world that there are a lot of very intellectual introverts who teach me a lot. And they're not necessarily flying around to art fairs. They're not running a gallery and working with a PR person and trying to get on the cover of Art Forum. There's not this breathless, like "too cool for school" attitude, they don't have asymmetrical haircuts and, you know, funky glasses. There's a whole crowd of those people out there that want to discuss whether, you know, Korbe actually knew anything about the water. Like, those are my people. And the more I can work on projects with those types of people, the happier I will be. And it really just does focus right back down to the art instead of the art business.



























